CH CH CH Changes!

Life has its ups and downs and yet, the question we must ask ourselves is, “how can we live a fully congruent life and overcome the challenges that we face in order to do so?”

Firstly, let’s look at our approach to change as this is a fundamental factor in living a balanced, healthy, and harmonious life. Yet quite often it is one of the hardest things we are faced with. We struggle with the idea that change is normal, even though we know that nothing can ever stay the same, that everything is constantly on its way to somewhere.

How do we define change?

1.   To cause to be different.

2.   To give a completely different form or appearance to; transform.

3.   To give and receive reciprocally; interchange.

 The point is we were not designed to stay the same. Life was birthed so that we would continually evolve, grow, and experience every facet of this physical 3D reality. Hence the reason we have what we call past, and future lives so that every experience we could ever have will be experienced through us.

Therefore, this makes sense that everything changes with good reason. It is when we try to remain the same, keep the status quo that the problem occurs. If we try and hang onto our money, our friends, our relationships, life, we immediately come up against the problems!  We cannot hang onto anything, and when we try, life becomes more difficult until our Soul steps in and gives us the push that we need to make the changes.

These changes are usually seen as a crisis, or a major milestone in our lives, or described as the dark night of the soul.  We may foolishly believe that someone is out to get us, as we have forgotten that our Soul designed the Blueprint for us to re-member. When we are not on track with that design, we are nudged to bring us back on track.

An example of this is the concept that we should meet one partner and live happily ever after. For some people, this would not be the choice of the soul. For others, that may be the path the soul has chosen to experience, therefore that contract will only end when one, or both dies.

The problems occur when it is not part of a person’s divine plan. They fight to maintain the relationship even though it is not written in the blueprint. This attitude only prolongs the pain and suffering of both parties and eventually crumbles.

Yet, it doesn’t have to be this way. If we get out of our own way, and ask, and allow our Soul to show us. If we let go and trust that there is a process happening beyond our conscious control and that we don’t have to work hard to fathom out, that in time, all will be revealed, it will be fulfilling, and we will be living our divine destiny.

Let’s learn to love change!

In divine service,

Jessica Woods x


The Lengths God Goes To!


Children’s Memories 12 February 22