A Heart Centered Life…

We are experiencing powerful universal energetic shifts in one form or another. We’ve just had a new moon partial solar eclipse this past weekend, bringing positive changes that happen quickly now. In addition, we have the largest solar flares on record bursting from the sun and each one of us is experiencing significant leaps as our consciousness is expanding as we shift gears and step onto a higher-frequency path.  

This week we have a beautiful meteor shower as the Aquarius constellation visits us in the sky. This month, this year will continue to bring surprises and changes, and as we continue to practice the art of living in the moment, we truly enrich our lives. Make sure you look out for those shooting stars and have your wish well and truly ready to give up and declare.

Talking of leaps and changes, it is time for us (Peter and me) to return to the UK after 2 and a half years away. We are most excited to see our families, and friends, and yet, it is a bitter-sweet time as we take stock of our travels and think of those people who we have met and left behind.

We are born to our families, pre-ordained by our Soul before we came to this dimension. Friends that we meet along the way, become our chosen ‘family’ as we get to decide who we hang out with.

There is not a day that goes by when I am not thankful for all the people who have touched my life in one way or another.

My Soul sister in America whose generosity would take a lifetime to repay, yet she asks for nothing in return.

The Oaxacan old lady whose warmth could light a thousand fires, as she sat selling her crystals outside the ancient Monte Alban ruins, who briefly exchanged a crystal necklace for pesos and whose words and smile will be forever etched in my mind.

The two angels on the busy street in Playa del Carmen who delivered messages and gifts from God!

The English woman whom I met on a Colectivo (it’s the local Mexican transport) and ended up sharing lunch, exchanging travel stories, swapping places of interest to visit, and then keeping in touch as she lives around the corner from my old home in the UK.

My bestie in New Zealand, who gave having fun a whole new meaning. I have laughed and cried so hard, that it hurt.

Brothers and sisters around the world I didn’t even know I had; each has touched my life forever. People from so many countries, Australia, New Zealand, America, Canada, Netherlands, Denmark, Columbia, Venezuela, Argentina, Mexico, Spain, Novia Scotia, Sweden, Italy, the list goes on and on…

Or the countless people who have enriched my life with their kindness, generosity, guidance, and service. Taxi drivers, waiters, waitresses, gardeners, security, receptionists, airport staff, people from all parts of the world, all nations, all kinds of people who without them my world would be dull and boring, and whom I most likely will never see again.

When we take the time to be open, authentic, be prepared to strike up the first conversation, or even the last. Be willing to open our hearts and let someone in, and be willing to keep it open, and let them out. When we are not afraid to face our fears, to travel, to allow freedom to call us, to live our best life, we are blessed to meet many reflections along the way. I have met endless unconditional love, and for that, I feel forever blessed.

From all the people I have met, the thing I have learned the most is that we can only be ourselves. I have learned that whatever emotion I have, it is best if I express it…oh yeah, the whole lot, anger, frustration, joy, excitement. True friends unconditionally accept and love you as you are, and you too, accept and love them as they are. It makes us who we are, imperfect, perfect beings living life!

It makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time as I think about those that I most likely will never see again (not in this lifetime) and those, I am yet to meet. If you are reading this, I hope that you are one of them. I hope we get to share countless moments and create beautiful memories, as we journey this time around.

Unconditional love is the essence of who you are, it is possible now as we continue our ascension journey to extend that love to all parts of the globe, to all people, to all recesses of our minds, deep into our emotions, and every dimension of the Universe, for the greater good of all.

To my family and friends in the UK, look out here we come, I cannot wait to see you again!

Divine Love and Blessings

Jessica x


Your Capacity for Love Is Expanding!


Progress On The Path!