Progress On The Path!

As wave after wave of powerful frequencies bombards us which seems to be the norm these days, we are experiencing a supershift in our consciousness. Changes in consciousness have existed in this dimension since the beginning of time when the first humans and beings frequented this planet. Each cycle, each new era brings us a new perspective, a new level of awareness for us to participate in and master.

Currently, many are noticing what some are calling a divide, or a division between the opinions, beliefs, and awareness of us the people, collectively. This is nothing new, we have lived for eternity with the truth of the great divide, within ourselves, other people, countries, religions, and nations. This is being brought to awareness now so that we may be guided back to our higher purpose and sacred path.

Disconnection from our Soul harms humanity in ways that eventually lead to psychological and emotional pain, and physical disease. This is what is happening to our world right now. We are either reaching towards reconnection to our soul, our internal awareness of Self. Or, we are turning outward to the external world, to others, for the solutions we seek.

Neither is wrong, they each offer alternative perspectives of the same, yet both will lead to very different experiences in this physical reality.  Lifetime, after lifetime, we designed to make progress on our path.

Play your part, for our human soul family. Our job is to recognise and support each other, regardless of our individual uniqueness, and how we approach the same world with different disciplines, backgrounds, and perspectives. We have one true and common purpose, to birth higher consciousness on this planet.

This is a time of significant healing. Powerful healing happens subtly. Whether we are consciously, or unconsciously aware, inner work is reshaping us from within, empowering us to leave behind old points of view, former identities, and negative expectations for the future.

This new time is about TRUTH and what has been hidden will come to light. Much love and blessings are coming from our multi-dimensional selves, and the spiritual worlds offering guidance, and assistance.

Authenticity will become the new normal. Be gentle with yourself and others whilst this happens. Speak your truth with compassion. Trust yourself and your destiny, for the greater good of all.

All is well.


A Heart Centered Life…


Spring Newsletter - Happy Easter