Your Capacity for Love Is Expanding!

Before returning to the UK, I could not help noticing that people were curious about how I would react to being back in here. I deduced from those conversations that they were interested in my perception of the energies as there had been so many challenges, and changes, for those living here during the covid display.

So, I thought I would write about my observations and my experience. My conclusion is this:

Fear exists in our minds, emotions, and body. This is evident in the way we talk, express, and move. It is a choice; we can allow ourselves to experience it in all its glory.

Love exists in our minds, emotions, and body. This is evident in the way we talk, express, and move. It is a choice; we can allow ourselves to experience it in all its glory.

No matter where we are living on this planet, we take ourselves with us. What is important to ascertain is what frequency are we vibrating?

Our world including ourselves is comprised of energy, we are a vibrating field of matter made up of atoms, with charged particles that vibrate at a certain frequency. When we vibrate the frequency of fear, we become an energetic match to that energy, and bring people, circumstances, and situations, to us that confirm our choice.

When we vibrate the frequency of love, we become an energetic match to that energy, and bring people, circumstances, and situations, to us that confirm our choice.

Both these options become our experience, depending on which one we are resonating with. Simply put, you get to decide.

This explains the see-saw cornucopia of thoughts and emotions that we each experience at any given moment. So why is that so difficult a concept to grasp for so many? How does life become so complicated, elusive, and challenging for so many of us? If we get to decide, is it possible to find balance, and harmony in a chaotic world?

Not only is it possible, but it is also our destiny. We are here to experience ourselves in totality. Every cycle, or era, that we experience in the third dimension brings greater awareness, each time in diverse ways.

If we continually watched the same film repeatedly, we would soon get bored and restless, and demand a new film. (This is when life as we know it ends when the film ends, we have chosen to die, to create a new film, and start all over again.)

Life is no different, each lifetime, you are participating in your own creation, your own film. We each get to experience the gift of living into our film. The only thing that we can choose is our reaction to that film.

Do we play the scary zombie film, being chased, and persecuted by ourselves? (There is only one of us, which is another blog!) Or do we play the romantic fantasy film where life is sweet and easy?

The power to change our frequency is ours alone to decide. Whether we like it or not, we are waking up to the reality that we have created everything that we thought we did not! The power we have given away to God (which is ourselves) to the belief that some deity created us, that any other person has any control over us, is old-school, old hat, and nonsensical.

The Great Awakening planned by us is happening and there is nothing we can do to stop it. Our capacity for love is expanding. To answer the question, this is what I experience no matter where I am living, and of course, it is just my perspective.

I choose to see individuals, families, friends, groups, organisations, the government, and humankind supporting, caring, loving, and uniting. I choose to remember everything is a mirror reflection of myself. I choose to see the positive in every interaction. I acknowledge the choice to see the negative in every interaction. I get to decide, as do you. What choices will you make from this moment forward?

In divine service

Jessica Woods  x


Coming to Terms with Life!


A Heart Centered Life…