The Land of Dreams

Everyday life is fascinating enough, with its ups and downs, its highs, and lows, yet the dream state is another totally different ball game! How much do we really know about it, if you’re like me, not a lot as it never quite seems to make sense when we open our eyes in the morning?

From a less logical approach, I understand that our consciousness withdraws from this reality and becomes more present in the astral realms, what we might call the fourth dimension when we go to sleep at night.

When I was a child, I vividly remember my astral body rising and leaving my physical body on its way to the astral planes. So, it came as no surprise to me when I would wake up in the morning having dreamt of playing in the multi-dimensions and having conscious recollection. It was something I did a lot.

These days with greater awareness, it is different. I am aware of myself dreaming as if I am the observer watching myself dream. A neat trick I have mastered is being able to not only watch myself in the astral dream but to stop and rewind the dream so I can hone in on specific parts of it.

In one recent ‘dream’ I watched many people walking into fire and burning. At first look it was upsetting, I didn’t understand why they would be doing this, or why it was happening in my dream.

During my waking state, I had been wondering why people make the choices they do. From my perspective it seemed crazy to think that people would make a choice without knowing the long-term consequences to their bodies, it troubled me as I don’t like to see people get potentially hurt, no matter what the cause.

Dreams can make us feel scared, frightened, and are totally bonkers sometimes, yet they reflect what we are living in our everyday lives. Whatever we focus on will play out for us in our multi-dimensional dream state.

When we worry, fear, stress, or believe, our way is the only way, we are not seeing the complete picture. We only have a limited perspective from this earthly viewpoint, so this is where the fourth dimension shows us what work we must do in this lifetime.

Our dreams symbolise the frequencies we are vibrating during our waking state. If we are having ‘bad’ dreams, or nightmares, our astral self is experiencing it too and is reflecting back on what still needs to be addressed. In the same way, that is exactly what is happening here every day when you interact with others. This is how we learn and grow.

In my dream, I asked the people why they were going into the fire. They told me that it was their personal choice, that they had nothing to fear, that they wanted to be of service to humanity, and that sacrificing their lives to do so was their Soul plan. I watched them burn again. I had the answer to my question.

At that moment, I had a complete understanding of the perfection of individualised choice, that when we judge, condemn, or criticise from our third-dimensional personality perspective we are limiting our greatest potential.

Everything is accountable for, not just here in this life, but in every other dimension always, it’s a ripple event you could say.

The solution? One way is to allow ourselves to feel more peace and joy during the day, after all it is our calling! Let us spend more time being with our families, and friends, people who make us feel good, who offer meaning and purpose to our lives. Allow more serenity and peace, enjoy nature, relax, worry less, send out kind thoughts, send out love to all beings, especially to those who trigger you. Set an intention that your life is flowing with ease, and you are attracting wonderful new opportunities, for greater happiness, love, and joy into your life.

Let us go to sleep tonight knowing that our dreams are guiding us in beautiful ways. As you prepare for bed, ask to be consciously aware of your dreams, and to become the awakened observer. Ask to be more self-aware in your sleep and waking states. Give thanks in advance to your multi-dimensional selves, guides, and angels for the loving assistance.

Sweet dreams.

Divine love

Jessica x


Children’s Memories 12 February 22


Past Life Connections 3 February 2022