Cycles of Living

There is a great deal of uncertainty, fear and anxiety that is ever-present until it is not. A world without the presence of these emotions is devoid of life, or is it?

Imagine, you are living in a world that promotes peace and wellbeing. You care for your body, you nurture your mind, you express your feelings. You are in tune with your higher self (Divine Self.) In fact, your Divine Self and you operate in this reality as One.

Every day, you are a living example of the life you love to live in. Problems are replaced by solutions. People, places, and all manner of things come and go. You are not concerned you understand that every living thing and moment is unique and special.

You know you do not have to work things out, that everything has already been taken care of. There are so many variations of experiences that you can have, like fingerprints. You embrace them all for you are a human-being. You know the cycle is endless, there is no beginning and no end.

You love your life, your friends, your family, animals, other fellow beings without them life is meaningless. You love the variation, the diversity, the choices. Life’s ups and downs bring a smile to your face, you know everything is transitory and you make the most of every moment.

Your imagination is wild, uncensored, free to create and you do. Sandcastles, humming and daydreaming of faraway places, laughing and bird watching, swimming, and playing in the evening sun before it dips into the darkness of night, another day to begin.

For most people, their reality is nothing like the picture I have just painted. Imprisoned by their own fears, they mock themselves and others wishing they could be free. Yet they blame, condone, hate, and project what they are too scared to own…the Absolute Truth.

Suffocated by programming, conditioning, and restrictions, they wonder ‘Is this really it before I die?’

There is another way. Ask for inspiration and guidance from your Divine Self. Be prepared for the answer to come in the most subtle or profound ways. It may be a sign, a gut feeling, or something more practical that shows up when you least expect it. A book, a class, a message from a stranger, a new job, a desire to be creative or maybe, a signal to do nothing, to wait.

Set the intention to receive information from your Divine Self. You will not regret it. The relationship you are seeking is YOU, all you need to do is ask and be ready for what follows.

Listen to your heart, be at peace with your emotions, be open to changing your mind, especially be open to new insights, ideas, and revelations.

You’ve got this.

Infinite love and light

Jessica x




Brightest light 🌟