
Each, and every challenge that we face, is an opportunity to blossom, to understand ourselves in a new and unique way. How we react to any experience is a choice, and we can decide in an instant, what to choose, we have free will.

If we respond in a negative way, we can create states of fear, anxiety, anger, resentment, leaving us feeling exhausted, weak, empty, or helpless. This depletes our energy and can weaken our body and mind. More importantly, it takes us away from our Source, or origin. Each negative reaction or choice takes us further into the darkness, away from our natural state of light Being.

Humanity has been living this way for so very, long. There have been wars, killing, segregation, hatred, crime, abuse, control, and so much fear. The darkness has been prevalent for a long while, we have been asleep for a long time.

The time has come for us to awaken from our deep slumber. To move into the light. To remember our purpose, and that we are all inter-connected. To be responsible for our actions and know that when we hurt, we are hurting one another.

How we react and respond physically, mentally, and emotionally towards another is known as the mirror effect. What we give out comes back to us ten-fold. If we are complaining, moaning, cussing, blaming, hating, harbouring eliciting tendencies towards others, we are winning a losing battle. We are projecting and it bounces back. We get hurt.

Humanity is awakening to this Truth. What we give out we get back. We will never be happy, we will never be abundant, we will never be healthy, we will never prosper, fully or completely, until we become the change we seek. It starts with each of us individually. It is time to fully acknowledge our strengths, our weaknesses, and live our life accordingly, without fear, shame, or embarrassment.

For the physical, external world to change, we must first change our thoughts, our perceptions, our actions and come from a loving, heart-centered place. This is our holy grail, to find peace and acceptance of ourselves which can only come from within.

We are being given a golden opportunity right now, to wipe the slate clean, to release the burdens on our Soul, to forgive and forget, to create a new reality, a life free from pain, from worry, from fear, a new life here on earth. This is what many may know as the Golden Age.

Within each of us, are keys, or codes, that are triggered, if you will. The codes are activated when we choose another way, the path of self-love. As we understand this truth, our perspective changes, we are rewarded. The keys are gifts that we receive when we recognise our Divinity. The gift is the remembrance of Oneness.


Divine Note 30 June


Cycles of Living