Jessica Talks…Lies, Lying and Liars

How well do we really know ourselves? Do we really express our truth or do we prefer to go along with others to not stand out from the crowd? Do we even realise that we or others are telling lies? Our operating system is upgrading as part of the Ascension process and we cannot continue to lie to ourselves, or others.

Our frequencies can no longer hold the lower denser energies of lying, as this is the opposite of our Divine Selves which represents truth. The truth shall set you free has been wise words spoken and have never been more relevant than now.

#energyintuitive #energyhealing #ascension #ascensionprocess #truth #lies #frequencies #energie #divineguidance #divinetiming #higherconsciousness #higherpurpose #higherself #truthatallcosts #awakening #spiritualawakening


Jessica Talks with Jackie Cross


Jessica Talks…Evil Spirits