November Newsletter

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November Newsletter

Greetings, and blessings dear friends

With the constant changes taking place throughout the globe, I do hope that this email finds you and your loved ones well. Personally, I have been quiet of late as I have busy spending time writing and being creative. I look forward to sharing more details with you in due time as it is all extremely exciting.

Here in New Zealand the spring has arrived and I am taking great pleasure in finding precious moments in nature that help keep me grounded and in deep gratitude and appreciation for the beauty of our planet. The roses photo above was taken across the road from my home, I only wish I could capture the divine smell and share it with you!

Below I have included some more shots that I thought you would enjoy as there is nothing like a beautiful nature scene to uplift us!

Below is a recent post that I shared on social media as it came to me and perhaps help put a different perspective on things. I hope you also get a chance to listen to the short audio report for November.

The UK Lockdown

Tomorrow the UK will go into a second nationwide lockdown and some people may have a sense of injustice and, maybe fearful for the welfare of their businesses, families.

Read More

November Energy

There may be much going on around us this month, yet, I sense that something big is coming and it feels extremely positive. Energetically, I see and sense so much love and light. Always remember you are not alone, you are supported and loved, the universe has got your back. I know that we are being divinely guided, so have faith, ask, pray, believe!

Connect with like-minded people who are positively focused on a bright future for all. Spend time envisioning the best version of a world for all loving, caring, people around the world from all nations. See all people coming together, rebuilding new pathways of love and light. We are collectively building bridges of light from higher realms.

I have included a link that you may be interested in. It is an invitation to join with the Australian Elders on 21 December as according to prophecy this is a time of Great Awakening. It was recently brought to my attention and I was intrigued to read about the ‘magic box’ they spoke of. It triggered a remembering in me of a vision I had many years ago. I saw a spacecraft and beings and was told that a box would open at a certain time, and that it would change everything. I knew that it was important and would be safe-guarded it until the time returns. It will be very interesting to see what comes of this, so do please share or join in as if it calls to you. Uluru link

Below is the Energy Forecast for November (8 minute short recording) recorded May 20 and gives guidance and advice to help us surf these changing times.

November 2020 Energy Report

Sending infinite love and blessings, have a enlightening and peaceful November.

Jessica x


Divine Note 5 Nov 20


Daily Divine Note