Divine Note 5 Nov 20

My response to UK 2nd Lockdown

Tomorrow the UK will go into a second nationwide lockdown and some people may have a sense of injustice and, may be fearful for the welfare of their businesses, families, finances, and personal freedoms. Others may welcome this as an opportunity to stay safe and well in their dwellings, away from the energies of the outside world. Whatever your stance, belief, thoughts, or feelings around what is happening, it would be worth noting that this is a time of inexplicable transformation and change.

The question on all our minds, is what does this mean for us? As I understand it, this time is an opportunity, to look at the actuality of our changing relationship to Self. The very foundation of our individual realities based on our personality, our conscious and unconscious mind is up for review, the model it has been built upon is up for questioning.

When born, the world was operating under certain conditions, and protocols which had been established and were continually evolving. The fundamental principles were in place, so that we could define structure and form and therefore, meaning of our surroundings. Raised by parents, or a person of significance, into a world that perpetuated the substance of life, we grew accustomed to what is. Evolving into who we are today, our characteristics, our talents and abilities, our successes, and failures.

What then, is the common goal that links us all? – Well, we are humans living on the same planet. We all come in the same way, we all come from the same place, that is, we transition through the Soul plane and, we all go back the same way. We all have a Soul, we all come from Source. We are all God. We all simultaneously, exist in every dimension, in every reality that ever was, and will ever be. We are eternal, we are infinite, we are ever expanding, growing, changing, transforming, living entities. We have within each of us, the knowledge and wisdom of the Ages. We all have free will. We all have a body, physical and ethereal. We all have a common goal, to survive, to thrive, as this is our essence. We are love. We are energy. We are light.

In these ensuing circumstances what to be done? Begin by acknowledging that you have created all that you see in your external world. We do this with our thoughts, feelings, internal dialogue, using all five senses. All that we experience through these faculties creates the world we live in. The evaluation of our environment in this way is autonomous with our belief system. We can now identify the paradox we call life.

If at this stage, this seems highly unlikely, you may doubt that to be true, stick with it and be open to asking the question “If I did, why? What would make me choose this situation that I find myself in if I knew?” Or, If I did create this life, what would be the reason I have done so, if I knew?” Then be still and receptive to receiving a reply. (It may not be what you think.) You will receive an answer, it may come in an unexpected way or, it may be the first thing that comes to your mind. Have faith and trust, as it may even come several days, or weeks later, alternatively, it may be instant.

The next step is to question your answer. Do this by asking “does this answer feel true?” You can always rely on your feelings for confirmation. Your Soul knows all things and speaks to you through your emotions and can be relied upon for total accuracy. It is the one truth to accept. It is your best friend, your ally, it is your astral Self.

When we choose to turn inward all answers, all information is revealed, we only need to ask. Everything is within, nothing is without. As we take the time to build and strengthen our relationship with our inner Self, new worlds open to us. We see shining who we really are, and that there is nowhere to hide, or the need to do so. We become confident, fearless, we are influenced less by the outside world, and find more and more courage in exploring our inner world. What we feared condemnation, becomes our crown and glory. We rejoice in understanding the truth of who we are, what we have done with our lives (no regrets) and how we got here. We are sensitive to the space, and energy of others. We use care, kindness, generosity, and love as our currency. There are no games to play, just pure transparency, honest communication, and revelations that continue to unfold. We wonder why we didn’t do this before as we weep tears of gratitude and joy for having made the discovery now!

So, whilst this lockdown is in place, or perhaps you are not, whatever your circumstances, give yourself what you deserve, do your own inner research and be committed to finding out more about yourself. How much of your time is spent on focusing on external tasks, such as talking to others, watching tv programmes or films, cooking, cleaning, doing, doing, doing? Instead of, or whilst you are doing, every day, start a conversation with yourself. Question if what you are doing, you are enjoying it? How fulfilled are you? If not, question why you are doing it? The only way to get to know yourself, is to ask. Ask the person who knows best, YOU. Question, Question, Question, everything! Question your thoughts, and always question how you feel about the answer you have received.

Be gentle with yourself, you may quickly realise just how much has been unclear, unexplained, covered up and buried within. Whatever you discover, give thanks, goodwill and blessings to Self and all beings as you realise that who you thought you were no longer exists and is replaced with the powerful person who has been waiting in the wings to rise like the phoenix from the ashes at this wonderful time.

Infinite blessings




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