Happy Halloween

This time of year, we celebrate Halloween, and it can either be a time of fun or can be a fearful time for many people. Regardless of the origins and the possible purpose of its meaning, it can affect us in certain ways.

Children are encouraged to dress up and warned to be aware of strangers, both can be taken in a positive or negative light. Dressing up and having fun can be great, and being warned about strangers can also be a positive thing, yet some might say that this might not be the best time to discuss such things.

What does Halloween mean to you? Are you someone who gets frightened at the thought of ghosts, ghouls, and witches roaming amongst us? Whatever we think about it, we bring it to life, to our attention on the 31st of October every year. It will hopefully comfort you to know that most of the stories you've heard about the horrors of Halloween are just that — stories.

Depending on our belief systems, and personal experiences we will all react in different ways. When I was a child, I found that it was a night of fun, and I made it so for my children, we laughed and joked about it, and therefore, it had no negative vibes attached to it.

We can choose to be scared and fearful, or we can allow ourselves to see this as an opportunity to react differently. We can question our beliefs; we can tell a new story.

You can also use this as a time to block unwanted energies by putting a bubble of divine light around yourself, your home, your land, and your boundaries. I would suggest that this is done on a regular basis. More as a matter of cleansing and releasing old energy that no longer represents who you are. When we cleanse our space, we invite new higher frequencies of light into our world. This has a transformative effect on our lives and brings about a greater influx of magic and miracles.

I do so by connecting to my Divine Source Self. You may have your own way of accessing this powerful state of being. With a pure heart open to the infinite, activate it by bringing it into your conscious awareness, allowing that energy to flow into, and through you.

Feel the lightness, and brightness, encompassing all your awareness. Feel the light moving through your crown, expanding out through your heart centre, healing, rejuvenating, and cleansing every area of your physical body as it brings new life, and love.

Sit in this immersive state and allow the energies to move in, about, and around you. Keep it playful, relax your face, neck, shoulders, torso, hips, legs, and feet and as you let go, become aware of how the energy moves through you, powerfully accessing deeper, and deeper levels of being. As old energies come up to be released, love them, and let them go, dissolving in the light.

When you are ready, allow that energy to fill the entire space around you, the room you are in, the building you are in, the land you occupy, see it as a beacon of light so profound, so bright, shining, radiating pure love, into your sacred space, and out into the world around you.

Activate blessings by becoming conscious of what the light represents to you, perhaps, empowerment, freedom, unconditional love, passion, purpose, desire, abundance and so much more. Watch how the energy expands, and contracts, like a vortex spinning around your space. It is you, breathe it in, and out, and see a pathway lit before you so as you go about your day you are fully aligned with your highest potential, your best life, seeing that road extend out further and further into the infinite possibilities aligned with your higher truth.

Happy Halloween

Love, light, and blessings

Jessica x


Lies, Lying and Liars


Feel empowered by Ho’oponopono