Divine Note 14 July

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Speaking Truth

It is not always easy to say what is on our mind, we are not programmed to be totally honest. In fact, for most of us, since childhood, we have been taught not to express our true feelings, or share our inner thoughts. If we talk to ourselves we are mad, if we talk to others we might get in trouble.

As adults it can be hard to undo the early learning. Yet, I believe our parents, our grandparents, our ancestors longed, like us, to be able to express their truths.

Imagine a world where you are able to say whatever you want. No one takes offence, no one thinks you’re crazy for having differing opinions or thoughts. No one minds if you think outside the box. It is ‘normal’ to be different. It is okay to express your emotions, after all, they are yours, not projected at anyone else, just purely yours to experience.

Let us start right now, let us begin, let’s put aside fear of reprisal and be honest with ourselves, first and foremost. As others see our honesty and commitment to self, they in turn will gift themselves the knowing Who They Are as they speak their truth. All distortions replaced, all frequencies in harmony with being, all people happy and free.


Divine Note 15 July


Divine Note 13 July