Helena Callaghan

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I was going through one of life's rough patches last year when a friend gave me Jessica's contact details.  She had told me she was really impressed by her own time with Jessica and had found it very helpful. A little sceptical and not expecting too much, I booked an appointment. 

To say it was life-changing for me is an understatement! I had an hour-long healing session (which involved a past life healing). Jessica told me I was going through a big change spiritually (she likened it to a snake shedding its skin) and what a truth that was!  Nothing much changed for me in terms of the physical but wow did I change last year personally and spiritually.  She used the word growth and she was so right - I am like a new person now!

Last week, I knew it was time to book in again with Jessica, this time I booked an intuitive reading. I couldn't wait! A completely different format this time, Jessica told me what she saw coming up for me over the next year or so.  Every so often my Grandmother was coming through through the medium of Jessica with a few nuggets of wisdom!! After the reading yesterday, I was so high - she told me so many things that were going to happen and gave me guidance on how to deal with some life issues as they arose.  I am now really looking forward to the next few months and can walk into 2021 with confidence!

Jessica herself is a lovely, kind individual who you will warm to instantly.  Her lovely manner draws you in and gives you a big hug, just when you probably need it most!

Helena Callaghan - Ireland

11 June 2020


Susannah Lin


Stéphanie Huguenin