About Jessica
From an early age, I knew that I was different from my family and friends. At first, I thought everyone could ‘see’ and communicate with spirits, beings and guides as I did. But then I quickly realised that wasn’t the case, and if they did, they certainly didn’t want to talk about it.
For example, if I mentioned that I’d seen a ghost, everyone around me would suddenly look terrified and highly uncomfortable. And even if I asked simple questions about the meaning of life or the origins of the universe the subject would be abruptly changed.
Mixed Messages
As a consequence of this I often experienced a sense of alienation and loneliness.I literally had no one to talk to about what I was experiencing. To add to this anguish, I suffered from an inability to understand people when they spoke in general.
For instance, when a person stated something, I would know what they really meant, what they were not saying. Their actions and emotions did not sync with their words. To a young child this was perplexing. Later on, I would come to understand that frequently, a person’s energies were not aligned with their words.
What baffled me the most, was that people seemed to be scared, and were in denial about this mismatch. They didn’t seem to want to understand themselves or the world of spirit which I knew was ever present.
Fortunately, I wasn’t entirely alone My life guide would come whenever I mentally called which was reassuring. I remember travelling to many different realms, usually in a meditative, astral or dream state. My guide was my constant companion and to this day I feel blessed for our relationship when I needed it the most - in childhood.
Astral Travel *
Astral travel was a normal occurrence, until I reached my late teens. Visiting spiritual dimensions was a regular nightly routine, one which I loved but they could also terrify me at times. For example, on numerous occasions I would travel to dimensions where I would be chased. I always knew I wasn’t welcome in such places, although it didn’t stop me visiting, I was so curious and amazed at the places that I could go to.
What I loved the most was being able to fly. I could go anywhere literally, so I did. I visited places on earth, I went to many countries observing people, their culture, the countryside and towns. What I loved the most, was being able to travel vast distances in an instant. I didn’t always remember coming back into my body, just waking up in the morning remembering where I had been.
The first time I felt my spirit lifting out of my body, I experienced the most beautiful feeling of lightness and freedom. I was elevated upwards and when I reached the ceiling I looked down and saw my sleeping body laying in the bed. It frightened me so much that first time, I was back into my body in a flash, sitting upright in bed wondering what on earth was going on!
By the time I was twelve I had been to every church in the local area searching for answers. Each time one I would go into a place of worship looking for ‘people like me’ who understood GOD (I now use the term ‘Divine’ or ‘Source’.)
At thirteen, I discovered the Spiritualist Church however I was dismissed and told to return once I was an adult. I would go back some three years later, and the Church provided me with a great deal of comfort and community. Eventually I would come to understand that my path was a little different to those in the church.

Self Discovery
In my young adulthood I embarked upon a journey of self-discovery. Profound and often extreme life challenges honed my abilities to help others find their unique ‘Soul Path’. Each of us has one, and no two are alike.
It started modestly. I studied various modalities including counselling, neuro linguistic programming and life-coaching. Then, I was led to teach spiritual transformation workshops.
In 2007 I began working full-time as an energy Intuitive, giving spiritual readings and energy healings. Simultaneously, I founded a unique therapy called ‘FreeFall’. This was a modality gifted to me by spirit to assist others in releasing hidden unconscious distortion patterns.
As I have evolved, my work continues to do so. I absolutely love, love, love what I do! Each day, I work with people from every walk of life, from all over the globe. While I may not always understand all the processes involved, I know that if we have the desire to change, we are eternally guided to do so - and anything can happen. I see evidence of this everyday observing people’s lives spontaneously transform.
Indeed, I have come to understand that life is an exciting, challenging, awesome experience – IF - we allow ourselves to be at peace with Where We Are At, and Who We Are. For in that present moment acceptance we discover the perfection that is Me, You, Us.
It is my deepest desire to help you reconnect to your authentic self, your Soul, and your Divine Self through my innovative practice and FreeFall. Miracles, synchronicities and opportunities await You!
Infinite light
Jessica x
*Astral Body (Energy Body) is described as an intermediate body of light linking the rational soul to the physical body, while the astral plane is an intermediate world of light between Heaven and Earth. Astral projection or travel signifies the astral body leaving the physical to travel the astral plane. The OBE (out of body experience) can begin with an awareness of leaving the body and consciously observing it from a detached perspective. With practice and lucidity, awareness can be directed to locations or activities like flight. If you’ve had flying dreams that seemed particularly ‘real’ you will have experienced OBE’s.