Spring Update

It has been some time since I have written a blog, and I hope it finds you and your loved ones extremely well and abundantly happy.

As you will be aware I decided to take a much needed break to make some lifestyle adjustments, to focus on travelling and potentially finding a new home to live in.

At the time of writing I am  currently in Thailand. It has been a destination at the top of my list and now I find myself here enjoying the beauty and wonder of another land, culture, and way of life, which I find totally charming and authentic. Can't believe it took me 60 years to get here!

As soon as I arrived it felt comfortably familiar. I had a lightening flash moment of seeing a loving family, a young boy with big dark eyes smiling and so happy and I felt a deep reconnection with the land, the people, everything seemed strangely familiar. I had no doubt I was recalling another lifetime in which I lived happily in unity with my family and community. This is apt now as we move step-by-step into a new, very different future, one of our own making. We get to decide what we want, and we must be willing to open ourselves to the endless possibilities awaiting us at every turn.

Dreams really do come true if we know what we want. Personally I sometimes find myself floating through life and it's only when I stop and ask myself what I want next that I  notice the pieces coming together, whether that's information, synchronicities, opportunities or generally confirmation to move ahead and align myself with my highest ideals.

This is how 2023 has been unfolding for me. I have heard others say, and have said to people myself, when you know what you want it will begin to formulate and the path will open up before you. 

It does require a great deal of trust in yourself. Without trying to manipulate a situation, knowing that everything will unfold as and when it should. Not being afraid to take each step as it comes. Not letting a lack of time, money, anyone, or any circumstance to block your dreams and natural desires. 

It helps me to keep the end goal in mind and imagine it as if it is already happening now. I intensify the experience by day-dreaming, making it up, seeing myself doing it. Whatever your goal, anything is possible.

As my sabbatical journey continues with the next step being Australia to see my youngest who is living there, more dreams are becoming reality. It's my first visit, when we lived in New Zealand we were unable to travel due to the restrictions that were in place at the time.

I do hope you are finding the strength within to continue your own individual journey of discovery. Whether that is learning more about yourself, revealing the hidden treasure deep within your soul, or a personal pilgrimage, to pastures far and wide, I wish you unlimited blessings and love.

If you're stuck waiting for something or someone to change, may you find the strength to follow your heart and align with the divinity within and be showered with the love and blessings the universe has been keeping especially for you.

Many of you have been in contact asking when sessions will be available to book on my website. On my return to the UK in June, I will be able to give further information. Until that time, I want to thank you all for your wonderful emails with updates about your lives, requests for bookings and general well wishes. Your patience and understanding is truly appreciated.

Much love and blessings

Jessica x 💗


Christmas & New Year Love and Wellbeing 22