Powerful Portal - 18 January 22


What accelerated times we are living in. Do you feel like time is flying and at the same time you are losing track of the days, and weeks, finding it difficult to grasp what has come to pass?

2022 started with us receiving powerful, vibrant, incoming messages from the universal energies. You’ve most likely been experiencing a deeper sense of awareness of what is working, or what is not working for you, as the portal opened to these higher incoming frequencies. You may have been asking for different ways to bring about greater change at home, work, and in your communities. You’ll have had a chance to daydream, get creative, and ask for more of what you do want.

As the energies have shifted again now, it is time for integration, to rest, pause, and slow down in order that those ideas, wants, and creative desires can, in time, manifest in this reality. Like all cycles and phases, we must learn to go with the flow. Currently, it is a time to let everything settle, meld and let the magic of the universe take over.

When we align ourselves to this constant ebb and flow of life, like a master, we know there is nothing that we need to do, nowhere we need to be, that everything is working in harmony.  We learn to get out of our own way as we understand there is nothing to do right now, except be prepared for whatever is coming our way.

At this 3rd dimensional level when we ask for change, it usually shows up in the most unexpected ways. Depending on our perspective, if what we perceive is good, we are happy, we celebrate, and want the world to know. If it is not good, we react as if our message has not been heard, we do not accept what has been given, we withdraw, and wish it gone.

Allow the rhythm of greater awareness to flow in and through you. There is always more to be revealed, so do be open to what is coming in the days, and weeks that follow. This is an opportunity to know yourself in great depth, to learn things about yourself you have not known before, Expect the unexpected, this is a time of miraculous growth.


Energy Update 24 January 2022


Energy Update 5 January 22