Where are WE at?

The past is over - where are we at?

We have been in training for some time. We have been preparing for this cosmic event. We no longer need to practice. What do I mean by that?

I remember the first time I went swimming as a child. I went into the shallow end of the pool. I wore armbands and I was taught how to swim by my teachers from school. Each week I showed up and every lesson, I progressed, ever-so-slowly at first….and then….I took my first strokes and I was off. I remember feeling so excited, also a little bit nervous of swimming alone in the deep end of the pool, but I did it. Nowadays, I’m not nervous about getting into the deep end of the pool, swimming is natural to me, I love it.

Just like my swimming lessons, Ascension practice is now over. We have spent years and lifetimes preparing. It is time for positive movement forward, a call for action. We may be feeling nervous about swimming in the deep end. It is unfamiliar, it is a bit scary, we are not sure of our own strengths and capabilities fully yet, that is until we learn to trust that we’ve got this.

As a lead up to this time we have been experiencing many ascension symptoms, including but not limited to, unaccountable body aches and pains, headaches, flu like symptoms, ear ringing and pressure changes. Disorientation, time distortion (slowing down or speeding up of time), short-term memory loss. Emotional symptoms have included depression, loneliness, fear and anxiety, lack of confidence to name a few.

We have been releasing lower vibrational thought patterns, habits and beliefs, including past traumas which has been brought to the surface to be released. Our relationships have changed. We have changed. Everything is energy and nothing is at rest.

For many years I have been working with people, helping them to clear karmic patterning, energetic distortions, past life attachments, present life conditioning including mental, emotional and physical pain. I am amazed at the willingness and capacity for the human spirit to heal. Working together enables us to more easily navigate our individual plans and the collective field to which, each-and-every one of us, play a part.

The ascension process is an evolutionary process, which on a spiritual level, involves the raising and expansion of human consciousness. We are working together to create a more highly evolved human race and planet to boot….How awesome is that, we are birthing a new light, a new reality and we each have front row seats!

Now we have learnt to swim what is the next stage of this exciting plan for us all, where do we go from here?

We trust our intuition. Our energy fields are clearer, more finely tuned. Authenticity and speaking truth are natural. Our heart centres are open and unconditional love is normal. We feel empowered and courageous. We live happily knowing whatever is coming is in alignment with our higher ideals. We expect the best. Freedom is our nature state of being. We live without fear….of anything!

If you are already consciously choosing to live in these higher states more often…excellent, keep it up. If you are still learning to swim in the new currents…keep going. If you are reading this and you don’t think you’ve already entered the new paradigm, that’s okay, as I said it will take a bit of getting used to….Keep on trusting.

This may help.

  • Question yourself…talk to yourself…you have all the answers within you seek.

  • Look for the signs…they are everywhere.

  • If something feels good, you’re swimming in the right direction…keep going.

  • Say NO if you want to, then deal with the emotions that arise by feeling into them.

  • Find ways to love yourself…use positive self-talk…hug yourself often….treat yourself to a little bit of what you like….honour your feelings…be kind to yourself and others.

  • Surrender…all will be revealed at the right time in the right way.

Much love and light

Jessica x


Stop and Remember