Future Self

It’s a great day to connect with your future self.

Send light to yourself in the future. Imagine a stream of the brightest divine light being sent out to your future self. Imagine your future self, the self that is vibrantly healthy, abundantly wealthy and ecstatically happy, sending love, light and encouragement back to you.

Feel the well-being, the powerful energy, brightness, sharpness, aliveness, divineness and deliciousness of the wise, loving, centred and beautiful future self as it projects the radiance back upon you.

Your future self is calling you to open your heart, to trust the path as it unfolds ahead of you. Reach out and feel the essence of who you are as you merge as one.

You are always perfect, whole and complete, allow yourself to integrate and accept your greatness and give thanks for all that you are.

Love and blessings
Jessica x


Brightest light 🌟


Stop and Remember