You Were Born For This

Deep within you is a remembrance, a remembering of where you come from and who you are. This activation is happening for all people. Humanity’s hearts are awakening, the codes are triggered, the hologram that we each are, being revealed. It is a grand scale awakening. One by one, as if asleep, each being on this planet is waking from a deep slumber. It is as if, like some sci-fi movie, statues emerge from their sleep, moving, stretching and eyes opening, looking around, not realising what has happened and trying to make sense of it.

Did some God, deity, or creature, cast a spell and lock us in the corridors of time. Well, yes, that would be correct, although each participate, willingly and simply agreed to this. In short, to be awake, we needed to sleep. We agreed to move our consciousness in a way that deemed it encapsulated, incapable of movement, as if, swilling around in the same murky pool, unable to proceed, as time elapsed, waiting for the dawn of a new age to be born.

The new dawn has arrived, the awakening has happened. The stirring of the people has been triggered, everyone, incapable of movement, except as One. This was always the plan. To know separation, isolation, and aloneness, as we slept unaware of each other, or our Divine Selves.

This Great Awakening holds the key to your remembrance of Who You Are and where you are from. When enough people are awakened, a tipping point will occur. Before that time, is unrest. It is an unstable time, profound, yet new. As people throw off their masks, to reveal true identities, they will rejoice, they will be jubilant and free. Life will begin again. In time, the people will forget that life was any other way. They will talk about it in their teachings and remembering, passed from generation to generation anew.  They will rejoice in their freedom and look to know one source of truth, Divinity itself.

People will release their hold on religious beliefs, vows, oaths, commitments to deity’s or groups or sects. They will believe in Who They Are…Source. This is their true Leader now. They will bow to no person as they remember their sovereignty.

The shakeup that is forthcoming is huge. Many lives will be changed as people rise-up, as fear becomes a thing of the past. Deception is none by no other name, as it will no longer be tolerated or accepted by the people.

Choice means choosing what is right for Self, first, and foremost. Our inner being aligned with our truth of Oneness.  All together as equals, acknowledging each other, and all being at peace, with all decisions and truths.

This is how life will be. Those that choose to stay in this reality, will feel peace and joy. Their hearts will be open, they will live life according to the rules of Divinity….that there be peace to all people, that each identify their truths according to those rules, and all be united as One.

For others, the Truth is Who They Are already, therefore, they seek to the know the truth in another place, in another form. They are the Way-showers, the Enlightened, the Masters, the Elohim, the beginning, and the end. Therefore, they will begin again, as passionate Creators they will continue the journey of never-ending unfoldment. Their next creation, whole, bigger, using intention, more augurous, more fully, more complete. They never stop, there is no ending, they leave, to create a new, as they are about to do.

Fear not, there is nothing to be frightened of. You will rejoice in your world, your planet, Divine Beings in this reality.

You will dance on the earth, embrace the shadows, play in the garden of Eden, be at one with your fellow humans, like never experienced before. Fear has embraced this planet, you were part of that fear, it had you in its grip. You have risen from the underworld of your own creations and now you get to play, for you have worked hard, you have accomplished much, you are beginning to remember who you are…a league of angels, the protectors of Earth, Guardians of the Galaxy, time Lords and Conscious Creators. Together united, anticipating your next move, like in a chess game, you wait, ready for the freedom whatever comes.

You can begin to enjoy the fruits of your labour, as the darkness slips away, freedom will reign, the people will remember Who They Are and Whence They Came.

The dawning of a new day.

Jessica Woods


Divine Note 24 July


Divine Note 23 July