Awakening To Crisis

"The longer we stay on this planet, as our consciousness remembers more and more, as we awaken to our own creation, we see that all of it is an illusion and I for one just want to laugh out loud...we are nothing short of miraculous. 

We will question everything that has made up the fabric of our reality, we are awakening and realizing our own games that we have been playing.

That is nothing short of genius, so continue to question, continue to be at peace with what you find, allow yourself the emotional release, and open your heart to unity, and oneness, as you have no choice, this is where we are heading." JW

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Have you noticed that your outer world is resonating with your awareness of self?  In other words, what is happening in your external reality is a direct reflection of your inner world of thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

An example of this would be if you are someone who regularly criticizes yourself and the work, or lives of others you will find examples of it everywhere. 

 In the first instance, if you are being hard and critical of yourself, the frequency you are giving out will directly affect what you say, what you feel, how you present yourself, and how others 'see' you.

 Whether we are conscious of it yet, or not, people, animals, plants, etc are picking up on your criticism and depending on whether they resonate with it or not, will either choose to join in with the frequency of critical conversation, or they will choose to disengage and walk away.

Alternatively, we may be on the receiving end of criticism whereby, we realize that others are being overly critical and that we are the ones being criticized and the subject of conversation. At that point, we then have a choice to recognize what is at play and react accordingly. 

When we truly begin to understand that our thoughts, words, emotions, and actions are creating everything that we are experiencing, we are 99% there. From this place of self-empowerment, we can begin to understand how our reality is constructed. The saying 'what we give out comes back to us' reminds us that it is because we, on some level, conscious, or unconscious, are perpetuating the circumstances that then become 'real.'

The process can be quite startling as, like an infant, we learn new ways of thinking, feeling, and being. We can decide to be gentle with ourselves. We can learn to be patient with ourselves and others as we change our perspective and are open to the possibilities that are waiting to be experienced. 

It can be helpful to take a step back, to be still, and quiet, and not react in the old ways that have been ingrained as 'normal.' Staying silent where once we spoke up with our views, opinions, and emotional baggage on display, can have an enlightening effect. Try it and see. 

Become the watcher, the interested, the silent observer, and you will find the power in the moment. You will learn so much about yourself by doing this. You will notice that you are tempted to respond how you may have responded in the past. Yet, the opportunity in the present now is to react differently than you have before and you do that by remaining in the present moment and watching what arises...your thoughts, your feelings, your intuition, and gut awareness and giving it grace to just notice what you notice.

These steps are small, yet the changes are huge. The world will change before your eyes, your emotional body will resonate with calmness and peace, your mind will ooze clarity and spontaneity, and most importantly you will begin to unravel the mystery of yourself, you will delight in the self you always longed to discover, you will find YOU.

 Divine love and blessings

Jessica x

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