Jessica Woods

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Divine Note 27 July

We start projects, we create goals, we write to do lists and/or spend our life dreaming about the day we have the money, the energy the time to do the things we want to do. Sometimes, we might start something but then give up at the first hurdle, life might get in the way, we can’t find the time, we make excuses. By carrying around uncompleted projects, we are clogging up our energy field, like a dropped anchor on a boat, that is trying to reach the shore.

What have you been dreaming about that you would like to start, complete, or finish up, before it’s too late? What is stopping you? Dream big, nothing can stop you except yourself, so go on, give it a go, make a start. If it falls into place, if the going is smooth and easy, and more importantly, it feels right, just do it!

If not, cross it off your list, let it go, and make way for something new. We are creative beings, we are designed to visualise, envision, imagine and birth our creations into reality.

Whilst you are breathing, it’s never too late!