Jessica Woods

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Newsletter November 21

I hope this email finds you and your loved ones well.

What interesting times we are living through. I was born in the ’60s and remember as a young child

having the freedom to play in the local neighbourhood with friends, and, as long as we were home in time for dinner, everyone was happy.

How things have changed since then. Who would have thought that this level of intensity would

have been possible! Yet, when we look back over history, we can see that similar cycles have always

existed. Our reality is based on polarity, and with good reason, as I am told by my Spirit. “You would

not choose to come to earth, if you did not want to experience the duality, you would have no

reason to visit.”

So how do we stay in alignment with our spiritual core values and beliefs in a volatile, changing

environment, in a world that constantly tests and challenges us to find inner balance and harmony,

alongside chaos and confusion?

Just as we spend our entire lives trying to work this out. The answer is simple.

  • Always REMEMBER that you are spirit. Keep the channel open by constantly connecting and

  • talking to your spirit.

  • Let your spirit lead the way. Never question or oppose your spirit as this creates separation

    and polarizes your experience of reality. That is, you disturb the fabric of reality, and this is

    experienced as emotional, physical, and mental highs and lows!

  • KNOW there is only ONE of YOU. You and your spirit are One.

  • Surrender ALL control over to your spirit. It knows everything about you, and always will. It

    knows what is in your best interest and is asking that you come along for the fun of the ride.

  • Trust your spirit by being patient. Watch. Wait. Know there is NOTHING else you need to do. It

    will let you know when to move forward, act, or change direction.

If all this sounds fabulous to you, I would like to share how this has been working for me. In italics

are the juicy bits!

My Latest Adventure

I had been living in Auckland for the past 20 months (pre-covid) and received a clear message that it

was time to leave New Zealand. My partner Peter and I boarded a flight from a deserted Auckland

airport. Once bustling with people from around the globe, the ghost town airport at the end of the

line was strangely eerie, and oddly, I felt relief, and excitement to be leaving.

No queues, plentiful space, and freedom to roam on the flight. Excellent service wherever we went.

Arriving in the States, the energy was completely different, inviting, and expansive. Everything about

the trip, the people we met, the ease, and flow of the 38-hour journey, the synchronicities,

everything fell into absolute divine alignment. Click here to read more.

I hope you found it interesting, thank you for reading. Before you go, a few things that might be of


Coming Up - New Events for Conscious Creators

I have exciting news to share with you!

My new ‘Activating Higher Consciousness Programme’ is coming soon.

It will help conscious creators stay focused on the awakened path during these accelerated times.

The details of the program will be announced soon. If you would like more details and to register your interest do so here as numbers will be limited.

Recent Events

In case you missed it, here is the link to my interview on UK Health Radio…The Great Awakening

Show with Joanne-Divine Life Yogini. Joanne is awesome so do check out her YouTube channel and

radio show.

And Finally….

Remember, no matter how difficult things may get, there is always a solution. With practice and patience, there is nothing that your spirit will not show you. You are always guided and cared for. You are loved.

Many blessings,
