Jessica Woods

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Summer Solstice 21 June 2022

Today is an auspicious day as the light in the world is at its longest in the Northern hemisphere. Today is Solstice as the sun rises in the east, working its way across the sky before setting, blessing us all, and showering us with light, and the promise of a new dawn.  Today is a wonderful day to bring the light of life, into this reality, by meditating and connecting your heart, and Soul.

I invite you to use your imagination, senses, and intuition and receive the incoming higher frequencies of light available to us all. Keeping your eyes open, slowly, and easily imagine this:

Call upon the Angel of Presence, your own Soul light to illuminate your heart, mind, and body. Allow its light to be present all around you, as you witness the illumination of your Soul shining brightly as it can be surely seen.

Feel the warmth, and presence as you sense, see, feel, or intuit your Soul standing in front of you, awakening deep within you lighter, radiating from your heart, emerging into a field of wondrous light, and expanding outwards, lighting up your entire field and resonating, expanding its love and light entirely in your presence.

Witness the beauty as your Soul increases its radiance, lighting up more of your personality self, and revealing deep within, the depths the welcome release of old patterns, and frequencies, unified and released, as you take a breath, a deep, welcoming breath, and let your Soul light expand to encompass and embrace the release, as you let go. Breathe in light, breathe out release, each breath settling into a new expansive reality, beyond this light, seeking another, fulfilled entirely at will.

Open your heart to receive more of your Soul’s light, fractals of light dancing, illuminating tracing all that needs to be released. All fears, pride, hatred, ancient, old energy, the remnants of what is left being lifted by your radiant heart centre, and your emotional body is becoming a field of love, radiant kindness, of compassion for all life.

Your heart centre is growing brighter, radiant, increasing radiance in your heart centre a great beauty, and your heart centre is becoming so brilliant, radiant love is reflected in and from your heart centre to all fields above, and below, within, and without. Holding even more light, receiving, transmitting, becoming lighter, and lighter.

Breathe in, and see your Soul movement as foot, to foot, knee to knee, hand to hand, heart to heart, eye to eye, forehead to forehead, touching ever so lightly, immersive as you blend as One in a joyous moment of ecstasy. Fulfilled by the ever-increasing light of expansive, unity, bonded by life, love, and eternity.

You are becoming a magnificent light of goodness, kindness, and serene simplicity, your heart, and Soul sending out waves of purity, beauty, understanding, and compassion to all living things, past, present, and future.

Allow yourself to expand into a large space rapidly, feel yourself the personality, and the angel as one, and let yourself be bathed in radiance, dissolving the boundaries of your personality, and surrendering to this greater light.

Take as much time as you want to explore your growing sense of connection to your Soul, the Angel of Presence to life, light, and love. Then you will separate from your Soul self, first noticing how much more radiance your personality is carrying, then moving into a greater sense of Self.

When you are ready, become aware of a symbol, a gift from your Soul Angel being open to receiving the symbol, uniquely yours as you relax into the light and presence of it. Let this symbol, a shape, a form, let it come into your mind and receive its essence.

Come back as the Soul personality by opening your eyes, reflecting on your symbol, and enjoying a brighter day.

My Meditation Experience

This meditation I enjoyed purposefully today and was gifted with a turtle symbol. Its meaning I interpreted as a positive omen for helping us all see the interconnectedness of the entire planet and the importance of the part, we all part in the emergence of the new era.

We are becoming more aware of the connection between our spiritual and physical world and the turtle shows up to remind us that the only thing we must focus on in the present moment is taking another small step forward.

Whether we consciously chose it or not, we are each evolving, and humanity’s priority will be what can we do to take care of our planet? With new technological advancements, turtles can help guide us to connect to our own unique pace and create a lifestyle that supports that pace. After all, there really is no hurry, we are eternal beings moving into a new period of immense change, so let us welcome the new by taking one step at a time.

In Divine Service

Jessica Woods x