Jessica Woods

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Energy Update 29 Oct 21

Boy, Intense Energies with massive upgrades coming our way!

If you are experiencing intense goings-on, then join the gang as you are certainly not alone. I for one, have been stopped from doing pretty much anything except rest, rest, and more rest this past week.

My spirit tells me that layers and layers of old human patterning and conditioning are being released from society. We cannot ascend with it; therefore, we must release it! So, if you’re feeling the pressure, relax, rest, it will pass shortly.

Honour yourself, your space, your body, your emotions, your thoughts. Hang onto nothing yet acknowledge what is. Be willing to change, by changing nothing. Something much larger than we can imagine is happening, all we can do is surrender and trust.

We will each be experiencing the shift in different ways. Whichever part of your life is being affected, know this is positive and exactly what you need right now, even if it makes no sense at all.

Most importantly, be loving, gentle, and kind. This is who you truly are, exhibit these qualities and all will be well.

Jessica Woods