Jessica Woods

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Energy Update 10 December 21

If you have been feeling the intensity of energies recently, you are not alone, it has been full-on! What I’ve noticed is, if I try to work things out, or go in a particular direction, and it is not in alignment with my Divine path, the route is firmly blocked.

An example of this recently, my partner Peter and I, were attempting to book accommodation where we are currently staying. We looked at many options, we tried to book different places and every time we came up with a blank for one reason or another. One example, we were quoted a price, agreed to book and then it was sprung on us that it was going to be extra thousands of pounds, not hundreds, thousands. We had already been discussing going somewhere else, and this was the confirmation we needed.

I was reminded very quickly that if we continue to try and work things out from the old 3d paradigm way of thinking and acting then we are not going to get the answers we are looking for, things will continue to be hard, and a struggle. Even more than ever, we need to be looking at things from a higher perspective.

By this, I mean, asking ourselves if it feels right to be on this path, to be pursuing this route? We always know as it will feel good and things will fall into place, the opportunities will be boundless if we are going in the right direction. If we are not, it will not feel right, we will experience delays, and things will not fall easily into place.

However, it is up to us how long we are willing to continue to struggle or, let go and go with the flow. Sometimes, we must be prepared to wait, just sit with doing nothing, and then ask the question again later. In that time, usually something shows up as our confirmation that guides us, when we cannot. Another thing I love to do if totally unsure is hand it over to my divine self by saying “show me the way,” whilst I get on with my day, which is another form of letting go.

So, if you are struggling with staying in the moment, feeling over-whelmed, confused, or unsure of how things are going to work out, sit down, think about the direction you are trying to go in, and ask yourself “is this in alignment with where I want to be?” Listen for the answer by accessing your emotions and act only when you get the green light, and all is well to proceed.

Being adaptable, flexible, and willing to change is the way forward as we are living in completely different times now. The old system no longer works for us, we can’t think our way out of it, or push to make things happen, we must be aligned to our divine selves if we want clarity, insight, and authentic guidance.

The old saying “the answers are within” has never been a truer phrase spoken. I would add to that “feel the answer within.”