Jessica Woods

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Divine Note 28 July

We have to take the time to do the things we love. Just recently, I felt a calling to take some time out, to step back and give myself the gift of space and time. It isn’t always easy to do, life gets in the way, yet, if we are listening to the natural rhythm of our minds, our bodies and our Soul, we can trust that all our needs will be met.

In fact, we will flourish when we allow creative time, to just be, to reflect, meditate, heal, relax. We come back revitalised, refreshed, our frequencies strong and replenished. What would you like to do with free time…perhaps, write a book, take a holiday, finish a project, or just simply relax?

Whatever it is, allow the universe to give something back to you. Remember to ask, you have worked hard and now is a time of miracles and magic. A new dawn is upon us, let go, trust and see what happens.