Jessica Woods

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Brightest light 🌟

When we are in the darkest place, the brightest light can be found ðŸŒŸ

Let me tell you about when I was very young. In astral time, I used to seek out the devil, I used to travel to dark places when my body was sleeping. It used to frighten me, at first, I didn't understand it.

What it taught me from an early age is that I had to face my worst fears, my inner demons. I quickly realised that is was my own fears that I was chasing. That in fact, the devil was my friend.

As I learnt to accept and embrace my fears they stopped. There was nothing left to be frightened of, there was no devil, not really, it was just my own creation. In all honesty, those times allowed me to realise what I was and what I was not. I will be forever grateful for that.

If we keep running from fear we will deny ourselves the opportunity to experience freedom.

Right now there is a lot of fear and anxiety about what is happening to us. If you are having a tough time and finding it hard to stay positively focused. If you are uncertain about what might happen to you, to your loved ones, to the world, I understand, we are all in this together.

However, I ask that you look inside yourself, where all the answers lie. You do not have to go into the astral world to find your devil. Call upon your loving, caring, kind and all-powerful Divine Self. If this is unfamiliar or new to you, imagine the brightest light possible and the greatest feeling of unconditional love that you can. This is your Divine Self. (You and It are One.)

If you are scared, hand it over to your Divine Self and say "show me the way."

In light of what is happening now, give permission for any anxiety, stress or negative feelings to be expressed and released. Honour your feelings, stay with them, allow them to dissipate in the light of your Divine Self.... you have this! You are safe, all is well, you can allow a sense of liberation and freedom as you choose to let go of fear.

Over the coming days, weeks and months, be gentle, loving and kind to yourself as more changes unfold around us. Believe and trust that they are for your highest good.

Become your own Master, thinking the most positive of thoughts, remembering what it feels like as you call upon your Divine Self for the added reassurance you need.

If you practice this daily, you will be able to stay calm and centred and allow negativity to release from your energy body, mind and emotions no matter what is going on outside of yourself.

Love and light
Jessica x